Make an Appointment

To schedule an appointment at any of our locations, please call (714) 247-0300.

If you think you have a medical or psychiatric emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest hospital. For afterhours telephone assistance, please call our main number at (714) 247-0300 and select the “to speak with a medical professional” option.
Si piensa que usted esta experimentando una emergencia medica o psiquiatrica, llame al 911 o vaya al cuarto de emergencia mas cercano. Para asistencia telefonica despues de horas de operacion, favor de marcar a nuestro numero principal 714-247-0300 y seleccione la opcion “Hablar con un professional medico”.


Meet our Team

To see a list of available providers and clinicians, please click HERE.


Contact your Provider

Need to email your provider or access your medical information? Download our patient portal for quick access and care on the go! To find out more, click HERE.